
Water Damage SEO Services That Bring Results!

Dominate your local market through Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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Improve Your Rankings - Improve Your Business

Get more water, fire, and mold damage repair jobs with our restoration SEO services

In-depth SEO Audit

First, we'll analyze your website and find opportunities for growth. These include both the low-hanging fruit and the long-term scaling opportunities.

Up-to-date Techniques

Once we analyze your website, we'll apply the latest restoration SEO techniques that WORK on it. No gimmicks or gibberish, just results.

SEO Management

We'll nurture your SEO campaigns constantly, assuring that the growth continues.

Make your competitors jealous.

Outrank your water and fire damage restoration competitors on Google’s local search results by applying the latest restoration SEO techniques that work in 2021 and beyond. 

So many SEOs spend time on the wrong things that produce no results for their clients. Here, at RepairSprout, we’re focusing on water damage SEO practices that actually move the needle.

Most SEO agencies put all of their energy into getting new clients through the door and not on the actual fulfillment of the service and delivering on their promises. This results in them having clients from all sorts of niches and not truly understanding what it takes to rank in one specific niche. 

We have decided to change that. By focusing only on the restoration niche, we understand what it takes to rank and what things to expect in our campaigns. 

Yes, this narrows our target market of potential clients but it immensely improves our delivery of the service you sign up for.

Need a Lower Barrier to Entry?

Grab a completely SEO website audit!

We'll analyze your website and Google Business Profile and provide you with a checklist of what needs to be fixed for free.

What Will You Do to My Website?
Well, what it takes to rank!

There are over 200 SEO ranking factors. So many people fall into the trap of thinking that they need to have all of those factors checked. 

That’s not true. Yes, you want to tackle as many as you can but 99% of your time should be spent on just a few techniques. 

What are these techniques, you might be asking?

After conducting an appropriate audit and market research and determining what keywords we should go after, we’ll perform the following techniques:

Here's How Our Water Damage SEO Process Looks Like

1. Technical Optimization

We’ll start off by making some tweaks to your restoration website that will improve its overall performance.

We need to make sure that your website is:

  • Fast
  • Secure
  • Mobile-friendly

If your website currently doesn’t meet any (or all) of the above criteria, that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. The goal of these technical optimizations is to improve the user experience of your website.

Technical SEO is really important. It’s the foundation of your overall water damage SEO campaign. This is why, before starting any SEO campaigns, it’s important to get these basics covered. 

2. Content and Site Structure

Your website should be structured in both an SEO-friendly and user-friendly way. 

An SEO-friendly structure makes it easy for Google and other search engines to understand what your website is about and therefore show it to people searching for your target keywords. 

A user-friendly structure makes your website useful to the user. This improves the lead volume you’re getting from your website as well as the website’s rankings.

The website’s content should also be of top quality. Content-rich sites have an edge in the SEO world and they also have higher conversion rates. 

3. On-page Optimization

Once the structure and content have been taken care of, it’s time to do some on-page SEO. 

During this process, we’ll show Google EXACTLY what your website is about and for which terms you want to show up. 

Without proper on-page optimization, we’ll confuse Google and therefore they will not understand what you’re trying to rank for. 

4. Off-page Link Building

This is where most of our time will be spent.

So many businesses follow a one-and-done approach in SEO. This is completely wrong.

Once the initial foundation has been laid out, meaning that your website has been properly optimized, we need to focus on its authority.

By building up the authority of your website, we’ll solidify its rankings and make any competitors that want to do restoration SEO and compete with us think twice before doing so. This is why off-page SEO is one of the most – if not the most – effective SEO strategies. 

Just in case you're not 100% sure.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of optimizing your property (in most cases, your restoration website) in order for it to rank on Google for a specific keyword or phrase. 

SEO is one of the most vital online water damage marketing strategies for any company. It can not only improve your online presence but it can seriously increase the number of water damage leads generated for your business every single month. 

There are many terms being thrown around in SEO discussions. Let’s elaborate on some of them a little bit more.

Organic traffic – Website traffic you receive for free from Google search.

Local maps – Google My Business properties. Incredibly important for SEO and lead generation.

Local citations – Mentions and listings of your company on directory websites like Yelp, BBB, and others. 

Link building – The process of acquiring links external links for your website. One of the most vital SEO ranking factors. 

Competitor analysis – Analyzing competitors’ websites and figuring out how they have ranked for our target keywords so that we can apply and improve upon the same strategies. Conducting a competitive analysis is one of the first steps in any SEO campaign. 

Of course, since you’re going to be leaving SEO to us, you don’t have to worry about learning all of these concepts. 

What if I don’t have a restoration website already?

Check our restoration web design service.

We believe that SEO is especially important for water damage restoration companies. Because social media marketing works better for more “fancy” businesses like, for example, restaurants, restoration companies usually find more success with marketing on Google, not just with SEO but with Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising as well. 

Over a third of all Google searches are local. This tells us that people are using Google to find local products and services more and more. 

Think about it. When a potential customer is not using word of mouth to find a company to help him with water damage restoration or mold remediation, what is he going to do? Where is he going to find that company?

On Google, of course. It’s the easiest and the fastest way to solve that problem. 

This is why you want to take full advantage of local SEO and start working with an SEO expert right now. 

Both SEO and Google Ads (PPC) have their own benefits and drawbacks. However, there is one massive benefit of water damage restoration SEO over PPC – once built up, it’s “free” advertising with very low maintenance. 

PPC will also be subject to supply and demand, with prices of advertising increasing or decreasing based on that.

On the other hand, with SEO, this won’t affect you that much. 

PPC advertising costs are insanely-high in water and fire damage restoration space, with some markets having a $300 cost per click. Yes, per click, not per lead. If you’re not skilled, you can quickly burn a lot of money.

The price of our SEO package is always custom and unique to each customer. Each client has their own set of requirements for their water damage marketing campaign and our pricing is adjusted accordingly.

This highly depends on the competition level of the keywords you want to target and your budget. The more competitive an area is, the longer it will take to see results. 

Note that SEO shouldn’t be the only part of your overall restoration marketing strategy. While your organic search rankings are kicking in, you should be focusing on other elements of digital marketing as well. 

Unlike most other marketing agencies, we only provide SEO services to restoration companies. This allows us to thoroughly understand the niche and what challenges do clients from the restoration industry face in their campaigns. 

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